Hair Straightener Categories

1) ghd straighteners by heating the body can be divided into ceramic heater, PTC heater and MCH heater. Ceramic heater has the advantage of environmental protection, heating speed, usually 30 seconds to 45 seconds can make the plywood surface temperature reaches 200 degrees, but because ceramic heater in the sintering temperatures above 1000 degrees, and its temperature is out of control in the circuit after quickly over 300 degrees, it will burn the plastic material fixed hot plate, the hot plate off, there may be exposed to the user, and burn the skin. Positive Temperature Coefficient PTC is the acronym, translates to a positive temperature coefficient, referred to as PTC thermistor. PTC is sintered at high temperatures, but the highest surface temperature sintering can be controlled, according to the manufacturer's requirements, you can sintered to 280 about the surface, or manufacturers want any temperature, is generally sintered to 230 degrees to 280 degrees, but its drawback is warming up slowly to 200 degrees, usually in one and a half or two minutes. In addition in use, such as ceramic heater did not remain at a high temperature. straightened hair, slightly worse results. 2) Ghd straighteners cheap by heating plates of different materials, can be divided into: pure ceramic heating plate, the aluminum surface sprayed ceramic glaze, ceramic glass The benefits of ceramic heat panels are environmentally friendly, good insulation, good security, the disadvantage is long processing cycle, processing many links, and because the edges are very smooth and difficult to handle in the process of straightening the hair will be slightly pulled hair. The benefits of aluminum sprayed ceramic glaze is easy to produce, the other due to mechanical shape, very smooth edges, will not pull hair. Because the surface is glazed ceramic pots, ghd flat iron pull hair was also very effective. Drawback is due to the metal itself is not insulated, the internal heating element to be insulated to avoid leakage caused by security problems. Ceramic glass is seldom used, mainly in the smoothness of the surface of the ceramic glaze as well, in addition to a fixed shape is not easy to redesign the product structure. 3) Ghd hair straighteners from the structure on the distinction between V-and X is generally divided into two kinds, the more popular early X-type, V-more popular this year because the V-not only straighten the hair, straight hair looks sleek can also be used for hair, more hair stylists for curly hair with straight hair.
Par wendy4029 le lundi 20 juin 2011


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