Selection Guide

 ghd straighteners popular called the splint is heated by the current straight hair of the MCH or PTC heating element Or hot wire, aluminum or ceramic plate to transfer heat.Straight hair, Guming Si Yi is to straighten the hair, the hair through the heating element to heat, soften, and then cooled in order to achieve the purpose of straight hair.Now Ghd straighteners cheap, straighten both, and can pull the volume.Previously straight hair, the primary user is a professional salon barber, from 07 years in Europe and America has entered a home personal market, to the hair at home can be a SPA.2010, straight hair will enter the Chinese home market, will become an essential personal care products, like combs the same popularity.ghd is the UK's largest brand of hair straighteners.Hair Salon and hair stylists in the choice of tool must pay attention to the choice of tools, if you choose to buy a cottage or bad equipment, consumer safety is a serious threat. As the general use of the wired Ghd hair straighteners, is AC-powered products, buy the biggest problem is safety. To ensure the safety certification, certified products, the authorities have been testing, in compliance with safety standards, export products is generally through the CE or UL certified. domestic CCC. In addition to the regular purchase a registered trademark of the manufacturers of the products present only the "US-domain" the company's machines, with standard and Yongcheng 3C insurance coverage, plywood After three professional engineers developed the test, the production process through eight QC testing, life expectancy more than three years, failure rates for the O's rework almost the standard, the design itself is pretty generous plywood, it is also easy to operate smoothly. Appearance can also be from another by the side judge the quality of the Ghd sale product. Manufacturer is focusing on a variety of formal quality, including the appearance of normal to see the edges, if the injection mold is very smooth, no glitches, indicating the development of high quality mold, or after the injection repair. In addition to rotation about turn tail, to see if it is flexible, very flexible, indicating a good match. is to allow the natural sagging power line, 360-degree turn straight hair, if you can smoothly rotate 360 ​​degrees, indicating a good turn tail.
Par wendy4029 le lundi 20 juin 2011


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